Okay, so you've taken the free assessment, what now?
In an attempt to help you sift through the specifics of your assessment and exactly where you might be, the next step is to purchase and watch this short and easily digestible instructional video where I (Catherine DiNuzzo, LPC. Founder of Sacred Heart Mental Wellness) help explain what mental wellness is. and will walk you through the ins-and-outs of you Mental Wellness Assessment. If you have not taken and submitted the FREE assessment, please do so prior to watching this video to get the full effect. CLICK HERE to access our free Mental Wellness Assessment.
> Learn the ins-and outs of your Mental Wellness Assessment results
> Use your results to make intentional & knowledgeable decisions about next steps to strengthening your mental wellness
> Begin to move beyond the messiness of determining where you are on your journey
> Receive practical tips & encouragement to help you move forward successfully
> Recognize obstacles & challenges that can create barriers in your mental wellness
Do you desire to overcome your anxiety? Do you want to learn more about what anxiety is and how it affects your body? This 29-minute video will aid in a Catholic's pursuit of mental wellness, by providing you an overview of your brain and God's beautiful plan for you. You are special and deserve to live a life free from the paralyzing clutches of anxiety!
> Come to an understanding that you were created good, just as God wanted
> Learn to walk this journey of anxiety with God walking right next to you
> Dive deeper into the biology of what happens in our brains when we feel anxious
> Gain a clear understanding of the reasons people fall into anxiety and remain there.
> Learn about the "Animal Brain" and it's role in keeping you safe
> Discover how the anxious response, stress hormones and biofeedback affect your ability to get off the hamster wheel

Okay, so you've taken the free assessment, what now?
In an attempt to help you sift through the specifics of your assessment and exactly where you might be, the next step is to purchase and watch this short and easily digestible instructional video where I (Catherine DiNuzzo, LPC. Founder of Sacred Heart Mental Wellness) help explain what mental wellness is. and will walk you through the ins-and-outs of you Mental Wellness Assessment. If you have not taken and submitted the FREE assessment, please do so prior to watching this video to get the full effect. CLICK HERE to access our free Mental Wellness Assessment.
> Learn the ins-and outs of your Mental Wellness Assessment results
> Use your results to make intentional & knowledgeable decisions about next steps to strengthening your mental wellness
> Begin to move beyond the messiness of determining where you are on your journey
> Receive practical tips & encouragement to help you move forward successfully
> Recognize obstacles & challenges that can create barriers in your mental wellness

Do you desire to overcome your anxiety? Do you want to learn more about what anxiety is and how it affects your body? This 29 minute will aid in a Catholic's pursuit of mental wellness, by providing you an overview of your brain and God's beautiful plan for you. You are special and deserve to live a life free from the paralyzing clutches of anxiety!
> Come to an understanding that you were created good, just as God wanted
> Learn to walk this journey of anxiety with God walking right next to you
> Dive deeper into the biology of what happens in our brains when we feel anxious
> Gain a clear understanding of the reasons people fall into anxiety and remain there.
> Learn about the "Animal Brain" and it's role in keeping you safe
> Discover how the anxious response, stress hormones and biofeedback affect your ability to get off the hamster wheel